Bach Original Flower Remedies Vervain 20ml
Bach Original Flower RemediesVervain Bach Original Flower Remedies - Over-enthusiasm
- Verbena officinalis
Vervain has been traditionally used for those with fixed principles and ideas which they are confident are right and which they rarely change; those needing Vervain are determined but highly strung, over-achieving and keyed-up. They put unnecessary effort into everything they undertake, pushing themselves beyond their physical limits. Their minds race ahead of events; they take on too much work and try to tackle too many jobs at once. These people are strong-willed and hold strong views. Sensitive to injustice and dedicated to causes, often self-sacrificially, their over-enthusiasm can be fanatical, so that they alienate potential allies and converts. They may suffer from a lack of sleep due to their active minds and inability or unwillingness to relax. Demonstrative in speech and movement, they can be irritable, frustrated and annoyed over matters of principle.
Dosage: 2 drops
Directions: Single remedy use: 2 drops in water and sip at intervals or add to 30ml mixing bottle containing still spring water. Take 4 drops a minimum of 4 times a day.
Multiple remedy use: Add 2 drops of each remedy (max 7 remedies) to a mixing bottle and use as above.
- 5 x dilution of flower extracts of Vervain (verbena officinalis) in a grape alcohol solution
Warning: Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional. Contains ethanol. Homeopathic product
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