Australian Bush Flower Essences Sturt Desert Rose 15ml
Australian Bush Flower Essences
Australian Bush Flower Essences Sturt Desert Rose 15ml
Australian Bush Flower Essences Sturt Desert Rose is for guilt, including sexual guilt, which can be an emotional trigger for many sexual problems.
Australian Bush Flower Essences Sturt Desert Rose is also for following your own inner convictions and morality, helping you to follow through with what you know you have to do. If one is not true to themselves then there can often arise, as a consequence, feelings of regret or remorse.
Australian Bush Flower Essences Sturt Desert Rose can restore self esteem that has been damaged by past actions you may have felt guilty about.
Negative Condition
- guilt
- regret and remorse
- low self-esteem
- easily led
Positive Outcome
- courage
- conviction
- true to self
- integrity
Discount Wellbeing Supplements
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