Australian Bush Flower Essences Red Helmet Orchid 15ml
Australian Bush Flower EssencesAustralian Bush Flower Essences Red Helmet Orchid 15ml
Australian Bush Flower Essences Red Helmet Orchid helps a man bond to his child or children. It helps men to be aware to allocate quality family time.
Australian Bush Flower Essences Red Helmet Orchid is also for anyone with unresolved father issues, which can manifest as a recurrent, lifelong rebellious attitude to authority figures - police, headmasters, bosses, etc.
Negative Condition
- Rebelliousness
- Hot-headed
- Unresolved father issues
- Selfishness
Positive Outcome
- Male bonding
- Sensitivity
- Respect
- Consideration
Australian Bush Flower Essences Red Helmet Orchid was made up under unique circumstances on Toolbrunup Peak, the second highest peak in the Stirling Ranges.
Making Australian Bush Flower Essences Red Helmet Orchid required not only sunlight but also moonlight, thereby adding the feminine principle so as to allow bonding.
Discount Wellbeing Supplements
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