Australian Bush Flower Essences Old Man Banksia 15ml
Australian Bush Flower Essences
Australian Bush Flower Essences Old Man Banksia 15ml
Australian Bush Flower Essences Old Man Banksia is for people who are weary, frustrated and disheartened by setbacks. Australian Bush Flower Essences Old Man Banksia helps to bring a spark into those people's lives who are heavy and slow moving. They tend to be reliable, dependable people who steadily plod on, often hiding their weariness while battling on with unceasing effort.
Negative Condition
- weary
- phlegmatic personalities
- disheartened
- frustrated
Positive Outcome
- enjoyment of life
- renews enthusiasm
- interest in life
The Old Man Banksia is a gnarled and twisted tree and it seems to be a storehouse of old wisdom. It is one of the first plants discovered by Joseph Banks.
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