Australian Bush Flower Essences Green Spider Orchid 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences
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Australian Bush Flower Essences Green Spider Orchid 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Green Spider Orchid can assist in working with telepathy, to attune a person to be more receptive to not only other people but also other species and kingdoms. 

Australian Bush Flower Essences Green Spider Orchid is for people who are teaching spiritual matters and understandings, helping them to impart that knowledge. It helps us to know when to share about our spiritual experiences, ideas before they are manifested and incomplete projects and when to remain silent to let the energy build. G

Australian Bush Flower Essences Green Spider Orchid can release nightmares, terror and phobias stemming from past lives.

Negative Condition:

  • nightmares and phobias from past life experiences
  • intense negative reactions to the sight of blood

Positive Outcome:

  • telepathic communication
  • ability to withhold information until timing is appropriate
  • attunement

Australian Bush Flower Essences Green Spider Orchid was made up in Gariwerd (The Grampians,) Victoria and is very much aligned with higher learnings, philosophies and deeper insight.

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