Australian Bush Flower Essences Bottlebrush 15ml
Australian Bush Flower Essences
Australian Bush Flower Essences Bottlebrush 15ml
Australian Bush Flower Essences Bottlebrush helps people move through major life changes and the overwhelm that often goes with those changes, especially retirement, menopause, adolescence or death, etc. It brushes out the past and allows the person to move on.
Australian Bush Flower Essences Bottlebrush is an excellent remedy for pregnant women and new mothers who feel inadequate. It will help throughout pregnancy until after the birth and will assist with bonding between the mother and child. It is excellent for healing unresolved mother issues.
Negative Condition
- unresolved mother issues
- overwhelmed by major life changes - old age, adolescence, parenthood, pregnancy, approaching death
Positive Outcome
- serenity and calm
- ability to cope and move on
- mother-child bonding
Discount Wellbeing Supplements
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